Two, count ’em TWO new Aluminum releases this week!
FIRST: Aluminum’s senior misfits hit the ground running off a cliff with their self-titled debut album:
Download it FREE or Name-Your-Price
I’m not even sure I could remember right now all of the SICK bands these guys have been or are still playing in. All that talent and experience comes together at critical mass in GRAIN ASSAULT.
Absolutely follow them into some smelly basements for the full-frontal sonic barrage they bring every time. In between, go get these new tracks.
ALSO: a Hang Bob Ewell & Creation Order Xtinction split??? HELL yeah! Download it free or name-your-price.
COX just straight brings his second shift overtime, whiskey-soaked, lion hearted TRUTH. Only way he knows how to play.
Hang Bob Ewell went not just into the studio but out on a limb for this one. How many bands do you know who could walk in, plug in and ROLL, total improv, no songs, no charts, no nuthin and produce this kind of top shelf musical rebellion? It is kind of extraordinary.
Fly, swim or train-hop to this week’s two-day extravaganza at Northrup to grab a copy of the split. Downloads coming soon.
Yeah so that’s how our week was. What have you been up to? Whatever you’re doing, we hope you Do It Yourself!
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